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How do I know if a challenge has a token?

A Challenge is identified by its Token, a unique icon that represents that challenge, as well as its current rank. The Token is at the center of every Challenge Card, below the Token is the challenge's name and its criteria. The upper left-hand corner shows you how many points a challenge is contributing toward your overall Challenges score.

Can you remove Challenge tokens from League of Legends?

Riot Games added Challenges to League of Legends in Patch 12.9, and opinions in the community were immediately split. Some were happy to have a system to track progress over time while others feared it may lower the quality of ranked matches. However, the game offered no clear way to remove Challenge Tokens from your profile.

What are tokens & how do they work?

Tokens are awarded for completing Challenges, and you may display up to three on your profile at any time. They are an opportunity to show off where you rank among League players in different aspects of the game. There are Tokens for farming minions, dodging skillshots, getting pentakills, and just about every other part of the game.

Where can I find tokens & titles?

Tokens are displayed on your profile and in the Lobby and the Loading Screen. They can be hovered over to see its associated challenge and tier. Titles are special names earned by leveling certain challenges to specific tiers, you can freely choose between any title you've unlocked.

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